On September 11, 1967, Carol Burnett and her madcap cast took to the airwaves on CBS for a new variety series that combined sketch comedy, singing and dancing. Little did they know that The Carol Burnett Show would become an Emmy Award-winning program and survive the changing tastes of TV audiences to last eleven seasons. The Best of the Carol Burnett show celebrates the 50th anniversary of this TV institution with 32 of the best episodes, covering every season. 23 of these episodes haven't been released since they first aired. "Mrs. Wiggins," "Carol and Sis," "The oldest man," "The family," As the stomach turns, and a marathon of movie spoofs are back, along with commercial spoofs and some amazing bloopers. Great guest stars and lavish stage productions grace each disc. Carol's question and answer openers with the studio audiences are no less entertaining. She might offer a hug or a shout out, or flee from a rampaging gorilla after letting loose with one of her Tarzan yells. Audiences loved Carol, and she loved them. Watch any show and you'll agree, she's still crazy and funny after all these years.